Aristotle University: Desk Research’s Results (Community Interpreter)

The work of community interpreters is paramount, as they are the link between state authorities and migrant communities. Since, these communities rely on good interpreters to access services that are sometimes life-changing, it is important to have informed and empowered community interpreters. Aristotle University in Greece coordinates the Community Interpreters in financial sector, in Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and Sweden, to assist and support migrants integrate in their host countries. Their initial desk research to map the needs in this area of interpreting show that:

  • Services and training for interpreters are rather scarce, fragmented, lacking specific content and structure, exceptions are Sweden and Belgium;
  • Interpreters feel this reflects in the quality of services provided, in their work conditions and value of their work;
  • Interpreters, who are third country nationals themselves in many cases, do not feel they have the leverage to demand better working conditions, leading to spiraling down services, working conditions and perception of their role.

PLOUTOS project, in Work Package 3, intends to fill this gap for community interpreters to help them understand key concepts in financial sector. This support will further lead to the growth of the Community Interpreters and empowerment, but also will represent a huge step forward for migrants, enabling them to gain autonomy and dignity in their new communities.