Innovation Hive: Business Language & Financial Literacy Courses’ Results

👉 Innovation Hive’s Business Language & Financial Literacy Course 

Innovation Hive organised this year two courses, on Business Language and Financial Literacy, as part of PLOUTOS Project. You can find the results here:

In total 30 TCNs (Third-Country Nationals) successfully completed the two cycles of courses about Business Language and Financial Literacy. The majority of the participants have shared their positive experience with the courses, highlighting that the provided information is not only relevant but also applicable to their daily lives. This underscores the practical value of the course content, demonstrating its immediate utility in real-world situations. The expressed satisfaction reflects the effectiveness of the courses in meeting the participants’ needs and expectations.

➡️This feedback not only validates the success of the courses in delivering relevant and applicable content but also indicates an opportunity for further expansion and customization based on the specific preferences and interests of the participants.