Financial literacy courses kick off in Croatia

Croatian partners Center for Peace, non-violence and human rights Osijek successfully held the first in a series of financial literacy courses for citizens of third countries as part of our Ploutos Project. Through this course, third-country nationals acquire...

Dreams, business language, and a restaurant: PLOUTOS meets Belgium

Like the other member countries of the Ploutos project, EMN, the Belgium-based partner, has just finished six weeks of business language courses. Indeed, since January, Third-Country nationals have followed courses to understand how to create a business or find a job...

Press Release (Croatia, 26/02/2023)

OSIJEK, veljača 26, 2023 PRESS RELEASE PLOUTOS ulazi u svoju drugu godinu nakon uspješne 2022.: za 2023. će potaknuti znanje državljana trećih zemalja i pomoći im da izgrade svoje poslovanje. Tečajevi u zemljama EU pokazali su se uspješnim. Projekt će pokrenuti novi...

Press Release (Belgium, 15/02/2023)

Bruxelles, 15 février 2023 COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE PLOUTOS entre dans sa deuxième année après une année 2022 réussie : pour 2023, il renforcera les connaissances des ressortissants de pays tiers et les aidera à créer leur entreprise. – Les formations dispensés dans...

Press Release (Bulgaria, 14/02/2023)

Бpюкceл, 14 фebpyapи 2023 ПPEC CbOБЩEHИE Плytoc нabли3a bъb btopata cи гoдинa cлeд ycпeшнata 2022 г.: пpe3 2023 г. пpoeкtъt щe пobиши 3нaнияta нa гpaждaниte нa tpetи ctpaни и щe иm пomoгнe дa и3гpaдяt cboя би3нec. Kypcobete пo би3нec e3ик и финaнcoba гpamotнoct b...